Friday, September 29, 2006


January 2006 at Bob's winter gala

Today Bob & I celebrate our 6 year wedding anniversary! I feel strange posting all these pictures of us, but it is our special day :) I was laughing though because in almost every picture we are pregnant. That's how the last few years have been, having babies. I thought are lives were great before G&D, now I know what we were missing. They really add something special to every day, every minute.

X-mas 2004, Graces 1st X-mas & Denny in my belly

Vacation in St. Thomas & 6 months prego with Grace

Grandma Debbie picked the babies up at noon. Now we are chilling out, enjoying the quiet house. I thought today I would skip ahead in the book, and find some proverbial sayings on marriage:

Love is often the fruit of marriage ~ French

When husband & wife live in harmony, they can dry up the ocean without a bucket ~ Vietnamese

May 14th, 2005, our hands over Denny

On our way to Fleetwood Mac, prego with Grace

January 2005, before Bob's winter gala, Heavy D growing inside

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

More Fashion by Grace

Pullups on the head, and arms to accesorise

Today started off with Grace waking at 7:15. I went into her room to get her, and I didn't hear a peep from Denny's room. So I got Grace some milk and brought her in bed with me. We cuddled and slept until 8:30, when she woke me again saying she was hungry. Shortly after, Heavy D woke up in full force, ready to start the day. Once breakfast was over, Grace put on a fashion show, this time with her pullups. The ones on her arms she said were her bracelets. At 10, I wanted to start getting them ready so I could make the 10:30 yogalaties class at the gym. It took some time for me to convince Grace she had to remove the pullup from her head before we left the house. But we did make it just in time. As I was about to enter the class, I saw it was all the make-up faces participating (you know the girls who go workout in next to nothing clothing, with full make up on and their hair done.) I couldn't do it. I would have been giggling the entire class, so I just stuck with my normal routine.

We came back home at noon, and my mom stopped over. Her and Dave spent the weekend at the Pumpkin festival in West Virginia, so she had a bunch of goodies for G&D. I even got a present today from her, purple flowers. I don't know what kind they are but they look awesome in my kitchen. So now the babies are napping, and I'm going to take a shower and then sit outside and read. Tonight we are supposed to go bowling with our neighbors. It's been 4 years since I bowled, but hopefully it's like riding a bike.

Hump days proverbial sayings regarding Attitude:

When what you want doesn't happen, learn to want what does ~ Arabic

All happiness is in the mind ~ English

A clever person turns great troubles into little ones and little ones into none at all.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Sunny, Smiley Day

Today was a lovely day. Sunny and cool, not a cloud in the sky. A lot of the homes in the neighborhood are already decorated for Halloween, which is my favorite holiday. Especially now that we have kids (although I've always loved it for some reason.) So I wanted to spend the day outside with G&D, me drinking coffee, them having juice. I had soooooo much coffee today; cinnamon coffee that I made this morning to start the day, then I needed a noon time boost, so I bought some funky, delicious pumpkin, apple, vanilla mix. So I was on a caffeine high, nice weather high all day. Good stuff. The kids were feeling it too because they were both happy little monkeys all day long. And now, it's not even 8:00 and Grace is asleep on the couch with Bob, and Denny went down at 7. Fresh air knocks them out.

Here's a few pictures that I took today. There's at least 10 more, but I like to split them between the blog and the fotolog. This picture below of Denny melts my heart, it's definitely a framer. He added another couple words to his vocab: Ball and up. I think there's more, but I'm having a brain fart right now.

And again, it's another Tuesday that I didn't do the self portrait challange. I vow, on this blog, that next Tuesday I will have the attempted the SPC.

And lastly, our proverbial sayings for today, about Art & Creativity:
A picture is a poem without words ~ Latin
Poetry moves heaven and earth ~ Japanese
Every art requires the whole person ~ French
The block of wood should not dictate to the carver ~ Maori

Monday, September 25, 2006

Mall Rats

Not too blah of a day for a Monday. The kids woke up early, at 7. After breakfast, baths and play time, I needed to get out of the house. I just can't sit still lately. Soon the snow will be here, and leaving the house will be a pain in the bootie. I called some of my peeps who are home during the morning/day, but no one could come out and play. So I took G&D to the mall and walked around there. I truly hate the mall, but now with the weather so cold, especially in the mornings, I don't have much else to do. G&D love strolling around, and there's always tons of other mommas and daddas just cruising around, wasting time. G&D stare at the other little ones and have a good time. I feel like I'm always posting about us being at the mall. So today we did some window shopping and then had lunch at Subway. I ordered a 6 inch turnkey, thinking it would be enough for all of us. Well, I maybe got 2 bites out of it. This was at 11:30, so now I am so flippin' hungry. I should have know better, but both Grace and Denny ate so much at breakfast, (banana each, 2 blueberry waffles each, & both had a piece of toast with jelly and a few french toast sticks). I thought they wouldn't/couldn't be hungry. Never under estimate the power of toddlers appetites.

I am looking forward to Friday, as it is me and Bob's 6 year anniversary. Grandma Debbie and Papa Joe are going to keep the kids overnight, and Bob and I are having a nice dinner at Delmonico's. Then the whole night is ours to celebrate and reminisce.

Martini's from saturday @ Pickwick's

Later today G&D have a play date with Katie and Tyler next door. Grace is so excited, it's all she's talking about. Denny sometimes will go over in their yard and play, other times he sits on our side of the fence and watches. He's a wild card, you never know.

From "A World Treasury of Folk Wisdom", Appropriateness:
When the music changes, so does the dance ~ West African
Don't use an axe to embroider ~ Malay
When they gave the donkey flowers to smell, he ate them ~ Armenian

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Another Fun Weekend

Sunday morning leaf collecting
Everyone is healthy again, including myself. Bob hooked me up this weekend, and I love you for it baby. Saturday and Sunday he got up with the kids, and pretty much was super dad all weekend. I couldn't ask for a better man.
Friday we had some peeps over and played a couple of games of cornhole. It started raining so we went into the garage and played a game of Texas Hold Em. I almost won, but Jimmy got me in the end. To be honest, I know I could have beat him , but it was late and I was exhautsed, so I gave up. The pot was only $25, and at the time, sleep was more important to me than the money.

Saturday night shots to girls night out

Saturday was the OSU/Penn state game. The Buckeyes pulled out another victory. We're loving it! I also had plans with Jen and Tracy for Saturday night. We went downtown to Pickwick & Frolicks to see a comedy show. Then we met up with some of our other friends at a club to do some dancing. It felt so good to hang out and dance with my ladies.

Heavy D's new hair cut

Today was a gorgeous fall day. We spent the morning outside with G&D, looing at the leaves that had fallen into our yard. Grace and I walked around and picked up leaves and put them in her basket. Then we went in the house and made collages with the leaves.

Denny got his first hair cut, compliments of Bob. He looks like a little man with his shaved sides. Bob did a good job and Denny looks way too adorable.

The girls

Sundays provers are about Appearance & Reality. These ones are a bit strange, a bit funny.

Two things cannot be hidden: being astride a camel and being pregnant ~ Lebanese

The teeth that laugh are also those that bite ~ West African

The price of your hat isn't the measure of your brain ~ African - American

Dancing queens

Friday, September 22, 2006

Wednesday night we were up all night long. I fell asleep around midnight, then at 1am I woke up to Grace coughing like mad. So I went down to her room and she looked awful. I brought her in bed with Bob and I, and she spent the next 6 hours coughing and kicking. So no-one got any sleep that night. Denny woke up Thursday morning hacking his brains out also, then I got in on it. So yesterday we were all trying to recuperate with sleep, tea and soup. We were able to make it outside for a bit when Bob got home from work.
Today was much better. G&D are still coughing, sneezing and sniffling, but on a much lighter scale. I feel like crap, but as long as the kids are good, that's all I care about.

Tonight we are going to eat some smores by the fire, then maybe play some Poker. I should lay low and go to sleep early, but it's Friday, and I have cabin fever.
Heavy D trying his hardest to get some juice out

Big ole smile despite lack of sleep and lots of coughing

Today's Folk Wisdom is about Anger.

Anger is often more hurtful than the injury that caused it ~ English
If you kick a stone in anger, you'll hurt your own foot ~ Korean
Postpone today's anger until tomorrow ~ Filipino

Happy Friday! Hope everyone has a anger-free weekend! Go Bucks! Let's beat up on Penn state!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Soup To Warm The Heart

On our way to the store
Today is the perfect day for home-made soup. It's cold, rainy and all around blah. So me and the babes headed to the store this morning to get all the goodies we needed to make some veggie & beef soup. This recipe is from Bob's family. The first time his mom made it for me, I fell in love. So tonight is going to be a night of endless soup, a hot bubble bath and a good book. Maybe even some hot chocolate if I feel like getting real crazy.

The start of something good

My favorite ingredient

On to "A World Treasury of Folk Wisdom." Today is Ambition:

You jump, but you come down all the same ~ Martinican

Go for it ~ American

Happy Hump day. The weekend is nearing. And if anyone cares, Kenny Chesney is on Best Damn Sports Show tonight :)

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Downward Facing Dog

Me & milk face
The nights have been getting so cold here, so Bob and I gave Grace her comforter tonight, that came with the Princess set we bought her over the summer. She was so stinking' happy about it, as you can see in the picture below. Now maybe she will be excited about bedtime again.

Grace doing the excited dance on her new comforter

Today I tried yoga for the first time. It's something I've been wanting to try forever, but kept putting off. Bob bought me a deluxe yoga kit, ahh, 5 years ago, and I used it for the first time today. I can see why people do it. I can't say I felt relaxed by it, maybe because I was doing it with Grace. That was something to see. I had the yoga mat out, the blocks & rope, and put the DVD in. She was really watching the girl on the TV, trying to do it. I was watching her more than the instructor b/c she was so darn cute and funny. And she was as serious as you can be, really trying to get the poses down. If I really wanna get into it, I'll have to try one of the many classes they have at my gym.

Did someone call a doctor?

The next chapter of my folk wisdom book is about Advice. The chapters go in alphabetical order, some topics have pages of entries, others only have a few proverbs. There was slim pickin's on this one, but here goes:

Teeth placed before the tongue give good advice ~ Italian

A good example is the best sermon ~ English

Grace turned her Princess comforter into a princess couch

Nip/Tuck's on tonight. We can't wait, it looks like it's going to be a good one. I just wish it wasn't on so late. Hmm, when did 10pm become late?

Monday, September 18, 2006


C'mon guys, do something with this hair

I think the time has come for Denny's first haircut. He turned 16 months on Friday, which I forgot to mention on Friday. Sorry Heavy D. His hair was totally out of control tonight though, so I had to snap a few pictures. He has curls just like me, Bob and Grace.

Last night we finally watched one of our movies, Silent Hill. It stunk like junk. It was supposed to be scary, but it was more sci-fi and the acting was atrocious. I fell asleep before it ended, and still had a nightmare. Thank goodness Bob was still up and he shook me out of it. He said I was shaking and screaming, and he thought I was messing with him. I know I said the movie wasn't scary, but it was weird, and even weird will cause nightmares for me.

Today I was going through our "library" downstairs trying to find a good book to read. I found "A World Treasury of Folk Wisdom." I got this book my freshman year of college. It's filled with proverbial sayings from different cultures, and it has 91 different topics. I'm not even half way through, but am on the "Good & Evil" section. So every day I will try to share one or two that I find interesting.

These are from the Adversity chapter:

Each cross has its own inscription ~ English

Difficulties make you a jewel ~ Japanese

I hope everyone has a good week, and that it goes by fast!

Sunday, September 17, 2006

How We Spent Our Weekend

The changing leaves
Bob's mom dropped the babies off around 5:30 on Friday. We all jammed into the kitchen and cooked tacos and chocolate brownies. After we over ate, we painted pictures and played, until both babies passed out from exhaustion at 8:30. Then my friend Jen and Tracy came over for a glass of wine and girl time. We hung out in the sunroom for a couple of hours and chatted about old times and new times. After they left, Bob and I went next door for a fire. We were in bed by midnight, and Grace and Denny slept in until 9 on Saturday morning, so I got a great sleep after a great night.

Grace enjoying her brownie

Grace & Bob making brownies

Saturday ended up being a beautiful day outside. After I woke up with the kids and had breakfast, we went outside and played until Bob got up. Then it was time for Ohio State football. Bob built a fort for the kids, and him and I sat on the floor to watch the game. We played Cincinnati and beat them, 37-7. Go Bucks. O-H-I-O. Grace was chanting OSU songs all day long. She would be sitting in the kitchen coloring, and Bob and I would hear her little voice singing about Ohio. Way too cute. After the game we were supposed to go pick raspberries. When I looked at the web site for directions, I saw that they closed at 3 on Saturdays, so I was kinda bummed. We'll have to try again next weekend. Last night we had to get our cornhole fix, so we had a couple people over and played a few games. Then we roasted marshmallows on the fire and were in bed early again. Good stuff.

Saturday morning fort

Sunday was my day to sleep in, and I did. I didn't roll out of bed until 11:30. Denny was already napping by the time I got up. Grace was busy playing with her barbies, so I had some coffee and read the paper until Heavy D got up. We didn't do much today. Layed low around the house, made buffalo chicken dip, watched football and tried to keep up with G&D. Tonight we are going to try to watch the movies that we got 2 nights ago. Even though I got a lot of sleep this weekend, I'm feeling tired. Probably too much sleep, my bodies not used to it.
Our neighbors dog, Bailey, enjoying the camp fire

Friday, September 15, 2006


New jeans and shirt

It's only 2:30 and so far, I've had the best day ever. G&D woke at 8, and were both in great moods. They had breakfast together then played without a hitch. At 10:30, GMA Debbie came over and took them away. She wanted to spend the day with her grandbabies and do some serious spoiling.
So I had some "me" time. I went to the mall and finally found a pair of jeans that I liked, and a couple of shirts. Then I headed to the Yankee Candle store and bought the sweetest smelling tart candles: Pumpkin Spice, Autumn Harvest, Rain, Ocean Breeze, and Cottage something. Man, these things smell delicious. I have the Autumn Harvest going right now and my entire house smells like heaven. I even got some x-mas shopping done. The Disney store was having a sale and I got Grace a Princess phone and a Princess backpack. Normally would have cost $30, I spent $13. Now I have to put it out of my sight so I don't give it to her early.

It doesn't get any more girlie than this

After shopping, I went to Blockbuster to get some movies for tonight: Silent Hill and Benchwarmers. It's been raining all day with no signs of clearing up, so tonight we will have to survive without Cornhole and relax infront of the tube instead.

Sweet smell of spiced pumpkin

We have no plans this weekend. Now I can really tell summer is over because our calendar has cleared up. Pretty soon it will be time to pick pumpkins and start decorating for Halloween, my favorite holiday.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Time Flies When Your Having Babies

I was going through my thousands of pictures on the computer tonight, looking for some to fill in a 10 print frame we bought. I ran into this one from June, and it made me melt. I remember this day perfectly. We were sitting outside on the kids little picnic table eating ice cream and popsicles. It was the first day Denny wore these sandals, and I thought he looked "too cool for school in them."
Looking through all the old pic tonight made me so sad. My babies are growing up too fast. Even photos from early summer to now, they have both changed dramatically. And knowing that Bob and I aren't having any more babies, that is hurting my heart right now. (baby, if ur reading this, I'm having a moment. I'm not second guessing our decision.)
Why does time have to fly by? The older you get, the faster it goes.

So to all my brother's and sisters (and girlfriends too) out there, please start making some babies so I don't get the fever again. We're counting on you :)

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Gray Sky Morning

Denny in his Colorado hat from Aunt Dannie
Today is rainy, so our fun options are limited. We went to the gym at 9 this morning, then came back home and played inside for a couple of hours, until nap time. Even I took a short nap today. It's one of those days that are very conducive to sleep. This afternoon, me and Grace went shopping, while Denny stayed home with my brother. Grace needed a new pair of shoes, so we went to Target. Her obsession this month is the Disney Princess, so those are the new tennis shoes she got. She's been the happiest girl in the world since we came home with them.

Grace feeding Denny lunch today

Tonight is the Big Brother finale. (Jen, I know you are as excited as Bob and I.) Then I'm taking a hot bubble bath before Nip/Tuck starts. That's my big plans.

Denny has been talking like crazy lately. The past week, he has added some new words to his vocabulary: GO (while he points his finger in the air,) BACKPACK (since Grace got a dora talking backpack,) and MORE MILK. The boy is growing and developing so fast, we can barely keep up here.

That's all folks. Hope you are all having a happy week.

Hmm, what diapers to get?

Sunday, September 10, 2006


Pete, Bob & Becky, Celebrating after an Ohio State TD
Yes, we did it! OSU beat the poop out of Texas. IN TEXAS. Paybacks baby! What a great game. What a great time. We watched the game at our favorite neighborhood bar, Scorekeepers. Bob's brother Tim went up there at 4pm to reserve seats. Thank you Timmy. . We had the best seats in the house, although no one sat for a second. The place was filled with OSU fans, wearing scarlet and gray. Ohio State songs played loud and proud, as everyone sang along and cheered. I felt like I was in Columbus again, back in my college days. The game was over by 11:30, and we had to get home b/c my mom was babysitting, and it was way past her bedtime. Becky and Pete came back over, and we ordered a pizza, played a game of you know what, and went to bed.

Buckeyes victory celebration

So what else happened this weekend? Lots of play time, outside time with the family. Lots of love, lots of laughs. All around goodness (the opposite of my last post, thank goodness bad moods pass fast.) Bob and I spent a lot of QT together. Our 6 year anniversary is coming up on the 29th, and we are trying to figure out what we are going to do. Last year was the big 5, and we spent the night in a beautiful suite in Windsor, Canada at the casino there. This year we'll probably do a nice dinner somewhere.

Me sportin' an OSU helmet

Saturday I got a hair cut. I wasn't able to give it to locks of love because 10 inches would have brought my hair up to my nose, and Tracy said there was no way she was doing that to my hair. I actually argued with her because I said I didn't care. My hair grows fast and I wanted to do it. She wouldn't and that was that. I do like how it looks though, actually love it. It feels so light and healthy, I feel like a new woman.

Bobby being Bobby :)

Back to football, the Browns started the season today against New Orleans. We lost, but didn't look too bad. I wasn't able to watch a lot of the game, as the kids were in full force. I didn't mind though. I love the Browns, I have to to love the Browns. But my passion is college football. It was the perfect day for football today. Sunny but cool and windy out.

Becky, Brutus & Bob

We all know tomorrow marks 5 years since 9/11. I spent this morning reading all the stories in the Sunday paper, and I cried. It still makes me cry. It breaks my heart, all the people who lost their lives, the babies who lost their moms and dads, the moms and dads who lost their children, the wives and husband who lost their spouses, the friends who lost their friends. I still pray for them and I always will.

Me and Bobby Magee

Before I sign out, Grace and Denny want to wish a Happy Grandparents day to their GMAS and GPAS. Sending lots of love, hugs, and kisses!!!

We have no idea who this girl is, but we loved her shirt

Friday, September 08, 2006

Big Game Weekend

Thursday started off good enough. We spent some of the morning at the gym. Came home and had lunch, then both babies napped. The afternoon we went to my mom's house, and played outside for a couple of hours.
I didn't feel like cooking dinner, and had a taste for sushi, so we ordered in. I found a place that has the best sushi and delivers. You can't beat that.
Then around 6pm, I was hit with the crabby stick. Suddenly I felt so tired and angry, and who do I take it out on: the babies and Bob. Innocent bystanders of my wrath. No rhyme or reason, I just turned into a mean momma and wife.
Then around 10, Jalissa invited us over for a fire. I didn't feel like going, and spreading my bad mood to others. But I did end up going b/c I can never say "no." The fire actually helped. It was relaxing sitting outside on a clear night, gazing at the starts, staring into the fire. After an hour, I turned in and felt much calmer.

Our neighbor, Steve, cutting our grass this morning (paying up from last weekend's cornhole bet.)

Today thankfully is Friday, even though it has been a short week. My mood has passed and I am ready for a weekend with my family. Today is a beautiful day; blue sky, sunny and 75 degrees. Perfect. Tomorrow is the big OSU game against Texas. Go Bucks Go. O-H-I-O!

Last night's bon-fire