Thursday, March 22, 2007


The one good thing out of yesterday was this. While I was in the waiting room, I picked up a magazine. It was some mag about pregnancy and newborn life. There was no selection, which pisses me off about waiting rooms. We are waiting...please supply us with some good reads that are not outdated! Waiting rooms are filled with anxious patients who would like to relax before they get poked and prodded and asked a hundred questions. It's not like we are only waiting for a few minutes. I know I waited for at least 20 minutes yesterday and there was only 3 crumpled magazines to choose from.
Enough bitching...I began this post with the one good thing from yesterday.
In one of the magazines I read a book review for "
Driving With Dead People." It sounds so amazing and I am some how going to make it to the library this weekend to get it.
So after my miserable post yesterday, today I will make a list of the good stuff from today!

  • Buying a Zoo pass
  • Not getting out of my sweat pants until 6:30 pm (to make a family trip to Target.)
  • G&D being sweet as pie ( i think they sensed that they pushed me over the edge on Wednesday.)
  • Denny giving me kisses while he tenderly holds my face.
  • The Ohio State basketball game tonight.
  • Watching "Aladdin" with Grace while Denny napped.
  • Making plans with Bob for our Spring house renovations.
  • Plans this Sunday to see my Aunts, Uncles and cousins for a get together.
  • Bob being the most sweet, supportive & helpful person to me while I had my mental breakdown yesterday, and totally understanding why it was happening.
  • These shoes that I bought tonight.

BTW, sorry for the lack of pictures lately. Our computer that has all of our pics isn't working. Hopefully it will be up and running sometime this weekend.



Carie said...

Glad that your day was better!

Anonymous said...

ha cha cha shoes! I love how kids pull the opposite behavior after a day of torture. It's like they're messing with our heads.

Kara said...

Great shoes!! New clothes or shoes can always make a day better! When are you planning a trip down thisaway?

Liza on Maui said...

I bet that shoes looks good on you!

good list of good stuff. Isn't making those list makes a feel better already :)

Tara said...

Love the shoes! Thanks for the book link...looks very interesting!

jenica said...

i'll add that to my RX: shoe shopping! way cute shoes.