Thursday, July 20, 2006

Put A Fork in Me

Okay, it's almost the end of day 3 and I am exhausted. It's about 4pm and both babies are down for a late nap. I get to leave in 2 1/2 hours for the rehearsal dinner and then I'll probably go over Tracy's for a big glass of vino. I deserve it and I'm going to enjoy it!
I'm keeping this post short, because I desperately need to take a shower and start getting ready. It's almost the weekend! Hallelujah!

1 comment:

JCharlton said...

I give you huge props! I'm going on day 3 of taking care of Seth alone as well and I've had it, he's off to the sitters and I'm off to work for a while and to run some errands on my own tomorrow!!