Saturday, March 17, 2007

Parents For Parents

First off, Happy Saint Patty's Day to all. I hope everyone is nice and toasted today. We spent our day "responsibly" this St. Pats. Instead of over-priced green beer, we took the kids for a family portrait, then went to dinner at Outback. All in all, a wonderful day.

Anyways, I wrote an article for the premier issue of Parents for Parents magazine. It comes out next month and if you want to reserve a copy, click here. It won't be available on news stands until the end of the year, so the only way to get it is through their web site.
The article is about "Disciplining Your Children." What seems cool about this parenting magazine is that it dedicates each issue to one specific topic. So check it out if you want.

Last night we watched "Babel." Keep in mind, I have a hard time sitting through a movie. Even short, 90 minute films take me well over 2 hours to watch. I hit the pause button like it's my job b/c even though I am "watching," I am thinking about and doing a million other things. Back to "Babel," which is 2 1/2 hours long. It was, by far, one of the best movies I have EVER seen. I absolutely loved every second of it. I know lots of you have seen it, but if you have not, take your bootie to Blockbuster right now.


Liza on Maui said...

Congratulations on your article at that Parents magazine!

I'm not sure how you got my blog address but I am glad you visited my blog (saw it from the sitemeter :)

After quickly browsing your blog I added you to my fav links today as I think I'd visit you regularly..

Have a nice day!

Anonymous said...

Wow congrat on the Mag article! Very impressive!!!

JCharlton said...

I'm so excited for you, an article is pretty impressive! I am going to reserve a copy to see you in print!


Kara said...

Very impressive! What is the article about? Glad you watched Babel; it was great wasn't it?! We watched "Stranger Than Fiction" I thought it was pretty good. Reminded me alot of "The Truman Show"