Sunday, September 17, 2006

How We Spent Our Weekend

The changing leaves
Bob's mom dropped the babies off around 5:30 on Friday. We all jammed into the kitchen and cooked tacos and chocolate brownies. After we over ate, we painted pictures and played, until both babies passed out from exhaustion at 8:30. Then my friend Jen and Tracy came over for a glass of wine and girl time. We hung out in the sunroom for a couple of hours and chatted about old times and new times. After they left, Bob and I went next door for a fire. We were in bed by midnight, and Grace and Denny slept in until 9 on Saturday morning, so I got a great sleep after a great night.

Grace enjoying her brownie

Grace & Bob making brownies

Saturday ended up being a beautiful day outside. After I woke up with the kids and had breakfast, we went outside and played until Bob got up. Then it was time for Ohio State football. Bob built a fort for the kids, and him and I sat on the floor to watch the game. We played Cincinnati and beat them, 37-7. Go Bucks. O-H-I-O. Grace was chanting OSU songs all day long. She would be sitting in the kitchen coloring, and Bob and I would hear her little voice singing about Ohio. Way too cute. After the game we were supposed to go pick raspberries. When I looked at the web site for directions, I saw that they closed at 3 on Saturdays, so I was kinda bummed. We'll have to try again next weekend. Last night we had to get our cornhole fix, so we had a couple people over and played a few games. Then we roasted marshmallows on the fire and were in bed early again. Good stuff.

Saturday morning fort

Sunday was my day to sleep in, and I did. I didn't roll out of bed until 11:30. Denny was already napping by the time I got up. Grace was busy playing with her barbies, so I had some coffee and read the paper until Heavy D got up. We didn't do much today. Layed low around the house, made buffalo chicken dip, watched football and tried to keep up with G&D. Tonight we are going to try to watch the movies that we got 2 nights ago. Even though I got a lot of sleep this weekend, I'm feeling tired. Probably too much sleep, my bodies not used to it.
Our neighbors dog, Bailey, enjoying the camp fire


JCharlton said...

Do you still have Buck? I never hear about him anymore??

JCharlton said...

I'm so sorry to hear about Buck. That breaks my heart. I am very thankful that Rocky is so tame and takes all the pulling and pushing that Seth throws at him.