Wednesday, September 27, 2006

More Fashion by Grace

Pullups on the head, and arms to accesorise

Today started off with Grace waking at 7:15. I went into her room to get her, and I didn't hear a peep from Denny's room. So I got Grace some milk and brought her in bed with me. We cuddled and slept until 8:30, when she woke me again saying she was hungry. Shortly after, Heavy D woke up in full force, ready to start the day. Once breakfast was over, Grace put on a fashion show, this time with her pullups. The ones on her arms she said were her bracelets. At 10, I wanted to start getting them ready so I could make the 10:30 yogalaties class at the gym. It took some time for me to convince Grace she had to remove the pullup from her head before we left the house. But we did make it just in time. As I was about to enter the class, I saw it was all the make-up faces participating (you know the girls who go workout in next to nothing clothing, with full make up on and their hair done.) I couldn't do it. I would have been giggling the entire class, so I just stuck with my normal routine.

We came back home at noon, and my mom stopped over. Her and Dave spent the weekend at the Pumpkin festival in West Virginia, so she had a bunch of goodies for G&D. I even got a present today from her, purple flowers. I don't know what kind they are but they look awesome in my kitchen. So now the babies are napping, and I'm going to take a shower and then sit outside and read. Tonight we are supposed to go bowling with our neighbors. It's been 4 years since I bowled, but hopefully it's like riding a bike.

Hump days proverbial sayings regarding Attitude:

When what you want doesn't happen, learn to want what does ~ Arabic

All happiness is in the mind ~ English

A clever person turns great troubles into little ones and little ones into none at all.

1 comment:

JCharlton said...

She reminded me of that movie Weird Science where they wore the undies on their heads!