Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Tracy (rockin' the new bob,) Stacia and Me

This picture was taken Sunday at Stacia's birthday celebration. Even though this post is about something funny my darling daughter said about boobs, the photo relates. How do I put this in a "family friendly" manner? Umm, well, us 3 girls in the picture always had the biggest boobs of the group. You know how high school boys are about boobs, so in high school, the three of us had nicknames given to us by the boys. If the 3 of us were walking down the hall together, names would be shouted and it was embarrassing. It sucked, but 15 years later, I think we are all over it.
Moving on...

I caught Grace trying to put one of my bra's on. When I asked her what she was doing, she replied, "I want to be Monkey's momma, so I need boobies. Monkey really likes big boobies."
Then she was getting frustrated b/c she couldn't get it on. She kept asking me, "How do I get these boobies on?" She thinks bra's are boobies. At least I think that's what she thinks. Maybe it's time to have a little sit down with her.


JCharlton said...

That is too funny, you are going to have lots of interesting conversations with that little one!

Kara said...

Funny. Janey thinks they are baboos. That is what she calls boobs and bras. And I can relate with you about the biggest boobs thing. o'well, who's laughing now!?

Anonymous said...

What is it with girls and boobs? Maggie grabs at mine all the time and laughs. I tell her to grab her own b/c her are about as big as mine.

Tara said...

Lol...that's cute.