Wednesday, December 03, 2008


Papa Joe, Uncle Timmy, Nana and G&D

Aunt Patty & D man

I am well aware that Thanksgiving was a week ago and I am just now getting to my Turkey day post.  I could just skip it, but it was so wonderful that I need to share at least a few pictures.
Grace and Denny were rock stars this year.  When I say that they helped Bob and I prepare the food, I mean it.  They really did help out with almost all of the dishes this year.  And I will take full advantage of this age where they want to help out.   Because I know in a few years, they will want nothing to do with helping, or with me for that matter.

Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures of some of our other guests, including Grandpa Keeler, Aunt Beckie and Uncle Pete.   They arrived later into the evening, and by that time I was knee deep into a bottle of Pinot.  I was less concerned about taking pictures and more concerned about blaring music and bowling on the wii.
Hope you all had a good one.  Now the countdown to Christmas begins!

1 comment:

JCharlton said...

Looks like you had a blast. Seth loves to help out in the kitchen too and it is so much fun. He wasn't as interested in decorating the tree last night as he was in eating the candy canes, but it was still a memory.